Monday 27 April 2020

What use is a Tardigan without any Oil?

As the world descends towards Chaos I thought it was about time for an update. Obviously being a little unhinged due to the effects of time travel I may tend towards a little drivel from 'time' to 'time'.

So of course the question of our times should I present my data in logarithmic or linear mode, one 'flattens the curve' and the other nasty one shows it as it is...

I do of course understand that some of you view "time" in a linear fashion, yesterday, today, tomorrow, henceforth from now on but with a Tardigan I have the luxury of moving through time to a parallex Universe. Hey hey you say I must have that wrong do I mean parallel......

But NO Parallex from a different 'view point' not parallel co-existing in time and space.

Having cleared that up before having a cuppa best I get on with a bit of humour (note spelled in Brutish for my Ameriorc fiends) else I will lose my audience and become yet another nonentity lost on the Instanet.

So where is this Blog going I hear you scream, What is a Tardigan and why does it need oiling? 

Lets not get ahead of ourselves should we, I am literally from your future and there are things best left until another day......

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