Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Parallex Universe and the Orc Conundrum

Having just beamed in from a 'parallex' Universe please forgive my demented musings as I work out how to communicate in this new virtual world. When I come from we still use paper bashed flat from trees and inks squeezed out of beetles...

So here goes.....

I have included a bunch of photos of some stuff hitherforthwith never seen before and unlikely to have appeared in Google searches of WW2 Fantasy vehicles. I do hope they will be inspirational and have you asking many many questions about their origin.

In the new world Brutish forces are probably the good guys (although history will be re-written by the victor) as they sip copious cups of tea and puff energetically on fags <note you may have to ask an older adult what that means>

The stumpier aggressors have an Iron will and a superior grasp of technology trees but their moral compass is a little grey (like their uniforms) and much as I would like to use their distinctive nationalistic symbol I have had to restrain as I'd like this blog to also be visible in Germany.

As time progresses I may add to this blog, answer the odd question, consider the meaning and function of Meme's and post more pics of progress or the disasters that come with being a Creator on par with the best (Frankenstein, Copola, CokeNUcola, Einstein etc.)

Anyways I do hope you enjoy some eye candy (although why you would stick that there I have no idea) and feel free to contribute in any fashion you see fit. I don't mind the odd bit of constructive abuse but I can say without too much hesitation that I have a Tardigan and know where YOU live....

Note those Orc Light Medium tanks are supplied by an Ally on a Loose-Lend basis often referred to as a Lend-Lose agreement (emoticon deleted for clarity)

Terrain and Vehicles available, figs currently OOP.

Well let me know what you thinks.....

Tony Ashcroft - Day 1

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